  • On-location 2D and 3D art and object photography

  • Film (negative and transparency) and manuscript/document digitization

  • Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI)

  • Photogrammetry

  • Digital Asset Management and Collection Management consultation

I am based in Durham, NC and specialize in photographing artwork and objects. Since 2000 I have photographed the collection of the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, NC. I also provide on-location art photography services for private clients, including area artists, collectors, and cultural institutions. I employ best practices for artwork and cultural heritage imaging including FADGI and AIC guidelines. I regularly teach artwork photography workshops for artists. I am not related to Madonna.

+1 919.357.4173

All images © Christopher Ciccone except North Carolina Museum of Art images which are denoted NCMA. All artwork is copyright of the respective artists.